Suite 101 har publicerat en intervju med Venom's Cronos där han svarar på frågor om black metal. Intervjun är genomförd av en Paul Travers och återfinns här.
Det intressanta med intervjun är att Cronos tar upp Burzum, Mayhem, mordet på Euronumous och kyrkbränderna.
Cronos: “You can take things into all sorts of other areas but once other events take over from the music you're defeating the point. You've always got to have the music as numero uno and going out and killing people has nothing to do with entertaining people. You end up in jail and then you can't do it. Unfortunately that was a series of events that went tits up, that went totally wrong. It overpowered the music – it became something that people wanted to talk about instead of the music. If you say those bands – the Burzums and the Mayhems, name one of their songs, y'know? Or, apart from the guy who's sitting in jail, name the other band members. You'd be pushed for people to actually know a little bit more about them – they just know about the church burning and the murder.”
Cronos har självklart rätt i att musiken skall vara det viktiga och att det var fel med mordet och mordbränderna. Däremot så tror jag att de som lyssnar på musiken kan nämna ett antal av bandens låtar och framförallt så verkar herr Cronos inte ha förstått att Burzum bara hade en medlem...
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